Rewind South line up coming very soon! 🎪

Tickets for Margate, Cork and Dublin onsale now! 🎉

Days to go
A stylised photograph of the Welsh mountains, dark and brooding with golden light and woodland in the foreground.

Test Page One, Mixed Content

This is an example page which shows what types of content you are able to have.

This is a Rich Text field. It works like every other WYSIWYG field you've ever seen, including italics and bold text.

New paragraphs are different from new lines, and you can get a new line
By typing Shift+Enter instead of just Enter.

Heading 2

You're able to link to other pages of this site, link externally, link to an uploaded asset, open in a new window, or just link to another part of the page. You can even have sub-headings.

Heading 3

You can have lists both ordered and un-ordered, like ingredients:

  • Apple
  • Sugar
  • Custard

Heading 4

And you make a cake in ordered steps:

  1. Cut up Apple
  2. Add sugar
  3. Apply custard
A large shaggy haired dog sits patiently.

Text By Image: Right

This is an example of a "text by image" block. You can position the blocks on either side. Here the text is on the right, when the screen has enough space.

A large shaggy haired dog sits patiently.

Text By Image: Left

This time we have changed the "Expansion Method" so that instead of "scaling" the image so that it always fills the space - even when the text is far too long, it will now retain its natural shape, but stay at the top of its column.

Ideally, you won't ever write far too much text. This is more of a safety net in case you occasionally go a little overboard.

This is an example of a "text by image" block. You can position the blocks on either side. Here the text is on the left, when the screen has enough space.

This time we have changed the "Expansion Method" so that instead of "scaling" the image so that it always fills the space - even when the text is far too long, it will now retain its natural shape, but stay at the top of its column.

Blockquotes are pretty nice as long as there isn't too much text
Matt Wilcox

Above is an embeded YouTube video, and below we can see three instances of a "Image: Single" block. The first is not cropped and appears how the original image does. The next three versions of the image each have a different crop shape set for them.

A lone make hiker with backpack walks away from the camera and toward the Welsh mountains.
A lone make hiker with backpack walks away from the camera and toward the Welsh mountains.
A lone make hiker with backpack walks away from the camera and toward the Welsh mountains.
A lone make hiker with backpack walks away from the camera and toward the Welsh mountains.

The next blocks are for multiple images. They all have the same images in them but are set to display in different ways: as a grid, a grid with gaps, or as a slider / carousel.

A man in winter walking gear crouching on a rocky outcrop in the Welsh mountains.
A stylised photograph of the Welsh mountains, dark and brooding with golden light and woodland in the foreground.
A young couple hiking in the Welsh mountains, arranging their backpacks.
A young woman in red hiking jacket raises her hood, no other details can be seen except a clear blue sky.
A lone make hiker with backpack walks away from the camera and toward the Welsh mountains.
A mountainous landscape vista with the setting sun silhouetting a lone hiker on a ridge.

Q&A's follow:

This is a question, click me for an answer

Here's an answer that gets shown when you click the question. You can also hide it again.

Here's a second question

And an answer to go with it